Those little bundles of joy, whether pup or full grown, come with a set of responsibilities that we take very seriously. At Cedarwood Cooperative, we've established rules to ensure that everyone at Cedarwood enjoys a safe, sanitary and pleasant living environment.
When followed, Members are free to experience the fulfillment of pet ownership without management involvement. When not followed, however, there are consequences that we'd like all Members to be aware of. Please refer to your house and grounds manual to review our full pet policy and be sure to register your pet within 30 days of obtaining it.
This list is NOT COMPLETE. Refer to Your House & Grounds Manual for Complete list.
No more than 2 pets in any unit at any time.
Members may temporarily "pet sit" animals in their unit so long as they have not exceeded the 2 pet maximum and properly registered this temporary pet with the office. Pet sitting may extend no longer than 30 days and can occur only once per year.
All pets must be registered with the office within 30 days of obtaining the pet and on a yearly basis. Refer to house and grounds manual for specific dates and assessed fees if not in compliance.
Members are responsible for any and all damage caused by their pet.
Pets are not allowed on the grassy areas of other member's properties unless explicit consent of said member has been given.
Members are to immediately pick up the dropped feces of their pet and discard properly. Pet feces carry a host of bacteria, worms, and diseases that present a danger to humans and other pets who are exposed to them. This is a serious violation and fees will be assessed without warning, and repeatedly assessed until the problem is corrected. Failure to remove feces immediately after the pet has defecated them can result in the ultimate forfeiture of the privilege of being able to own a pet while living at Cedarwood. Please take this as seriously as we do to protect the health of the Members, sanitation of the property and the safety of your pet.
No animal may run freely on the properly. All cats and dogs must be leashed or remain in the Member's home at all times.
No animal shall be left tethered unattended outside the home at any time. Tethered animals must not be tethered in a manner that impedes the use of the sidewalks or allows the animal access to neighboring units' property.
It is a violation of ground rules for a pet to disturb the quiet of the community, to snap at or attempt to bite other persons, or to interfere in any manner with the rights, comforts and convenience of any Member of the cooperative.
Vicious dogs are strictly prohibited on the property - this includes "pet sitting" as well as ownership. Vicious dogs are defined by Cedarwood in detail in the Members House and Grounds Manual and it is the Member's responsibility to thoroughly understand all the rules contained within it. If you have misplaced your copy and need another, please contact the office.
There is a strict weight limit of no more than 50lbs.
While this does not represent a comprehensive set of pet rules, it does briefly outline some major concerns. To protect your right to own a pet here at Cedarwood Cooperative, we strongly recommend you brush up on your knowledge of the rules and regulations of pet ownership located in the Cedarwood House and Grounds manual, especially before purchasing a puppy or kitten.
Our goal is to ensure that all Members have equal and fair access to the enjoyment of their units while respecting Member's desires to own a pet. If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact the office to discuss.
If you are renting and have been denied access to pet ownership because of it, now may be the time for you to consider becoming a member of a housing cooperative in Park Forest, IL. Our co-ops are spacious, well-made and most of all, pet-friendly. Stop by the office today to discuss current availability and application requirements.